We’re more than midway through June and I’m just getting around to posting my income report. I know so many of you anticipate these reports each month. So, I’m sorry I keep putting them off.

I guess the lesson here, for my readers and coaching clients, is that creating income reports has a very low ROI. Like, it takes 2-3 hours to put together the post and verify the numbers and the post, itself, generates very little income. So, in my list of priority tasks, it sinks to the bottom (not trying to be heartless, it’s just a business thing). Pinterest graphic for Crochetprenuer May Income Report

If I had my way, I wouldn’t make this information public at all, but I made a commitment to put these numbers ‘out there’ for 2019. So, I’m following through on that commitment to you and I’m so grateful to those of you who celebrate and encourage me each month as we continue to navigate this rollercoaster ride of a business. 🙂 

Let’s Talk about Income Streams

Last month, when I published my income report, I received a message questioning whether my income could really be considered a crochet business because it included money from an ad network on my blog.

That comment did get me thinking…

What does a crochet business look like in 2019?

Are the only people with a crochet business those people who create a physical product and sell it?

What about crochet teachers? Do they have a crochet business?

What about designers? What about tech editors? What about….bloggers?

In my view, the more open to you are to the possibility that there are myriad ways to generate income within the context of crochet, the more likely you will be to generate a viable income.

In other words, by only thinking that crochet means product, you are limiting yourself and will always have to navigate the uncertainty of the market, the seasons, and the whims of the customer base in order to make an income.

By opening yourself to multiple income streams, all tied back to your love for the craft, you open yourself to success and a stable (though not always predictable) income.

So, I just want to encourage you to be open. Managing a monetized blog specifically about crochet is a valid crochet business. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade.

Just go out there, be creative, share your craft, and build your business your way! I’m here to support and encourage you.

The Stuff I Say Every Month About Income Reports

Why I’m Doing This: Inspiration

I know, it seems counter-intuitive for an introvert, such as myself, to put herself SO ‘out there’ by posting public income reports but, from my perspective, the reason I do it is more important than any reason I wouldn’t (for now).

See, when I first started blogging, I found such encouragement from reading income reports. They helped me believe that it IS possible for a regular, hard-working individual to find personal and financial freedom by creating a successful crochet business.

I share these reports because I hope to inspire you in the same way.

Granted, over the past 5 years of my crochet business and the two years that I’ve had this blog, the income has proven to be pretty sporadic – with most of it coming in the winter months. But as I share these reports each month, I hope to show you how I brainstorm some ideas to sustain an income during the lean months.

If you’ve been reading for any length of time, you’ll know that I’m a passionate advocate for multiple streams of income – the cornerstone of which is starting a blog.

From that, all the rest of the income opportunities flow. I hope to help you see that play out, in real life, over the course of the year.

Why I’m Doing This: Accountability

Secondly, the reason I share these details is you deserve to know.

I feel like I (and anyone giving business advice) need to be accountable to you and show you that I’m not just telling you what I think will work, but what does work for me and, also, what doesn’t.

That’s right when I hit the inevitable struggles, I’ll share those with you, too.

I think it’s important that, as someone sharing business tips with you, I’m open with the numbers.

Because, really, anyone can share their ideas on how to grow a crochet business, whether they’ve actually done it or not, and I want you to make wise and informed decisions about who you’re following.

Am I the most successful blogger/designer/maker out there? Nope. But I’m growing my business right alongside you and I want to be as transparent about that as possible.

Ultimately, on those days (weeks and months) when this blogging thing, this crochet thing, this maker thing feels HARD (and sometimes it IS hard – please don’t set yourself up for disappointment by believing otherwise), I hope you can come here and find some inspiration to know that you can push through the hard days and build a business you love.

Ready to make the wisest decision you’ll make this year by adding a maker blog to your crochet business income stream? Read my simple START A PROFITABLE CROCHET BLOG, to get your website up and running on the #1 rated hosting site, today! 

Income and Expenses Report for My Crochet Business

May Income

  • Mediavine Ads: $203.86
  • Affiliate Sales: $190.44
  • Pattern Sales: $225.95 (on Etsy, Ravelry, and my Shopify Sites)
  • Other Digital Product Sales: $161.99 (Printables)
  • Courses: $4,447.50



May Expenses

  • Merchant Fees: $127.73 (for Etsy, PayPal, Stripe, Square, and Ravelry)
  • Siteground: $4.95
  • Shopify: $29.00
  • Send Owl: $15.00
  • Tailwind: $30.56
  • Mailerlite: $65.00
  • Kim Anderson Consulting: $15.00
  • Thinkific: $99.00
  • Audible: $16.18
  • Adobe: $9.99
  • Zoom: $14.99
  • Canva Business: $12.95
  • Ads: $46.71



Net Profit:

$5,229.74 – $487.06 = $4,742.68

Charitable Donations:

Together, in March/April, we gave $480.00 to charitable organizations whose goal it is to rescue the hearts and lives of hurting people.

Cumulative donations in 2019: $1520.00

Crochetpreneur Traffic Report

May Traffic

So, here are the numbers:


  • Monthly Visitors: 10,085
  • Unique Visitors: 8,143
  • Page Views: 18,330


  • Monthly Visitors: 13,690
  • Unique Visitors: 10,344
  • Page Views: 29,429


What Happened in the Business

I’ve decided I need to start keeping notes about what is going on in my business because it’s hard to remember from month to month. But, overall, here is a synopsis of things that happened in May:

  • I took the scary, scary leap and separated my coaching website from my crochet patterns website. So, now there are two blogs, Crochetpreneur.com and Madewithatwist.com, under one larger umbrella (Montgomery Grice Enterprises, Inc).
  • Most of my time was consumed with setting up the new blog and getting some of my free patterns listed on pattern sharing sites. 
  • I, also, taped two sessions of the Handmade Business Summit with Brittany Lynch and the summit went on sale in late May. While sales will continue into early June, the first round of sales has been promising! If you missed the summit, you can still purchase recordings of all 15 sessions, here.

New/Updated Blog Posts:

New Videos:

What Happened in Our Lives

  • So….what happened in May? Ummmm, there were dirty diapers, I can assure you of that!
  • We connected with some amazing teens at our church who are going to come help with my grandson 3 days a week, in the mornings, so that will free up about 10 hours per week for me to work. So, that’s a big, big help!
  • I designed a couple of new baskets and it was fun to get back to the hook.
  • Kevin has been traveling a lot and that has given me some quiet time to focus on work.
  • And….hmmmm, I’m just looking forward to our upcoming road trip in July!

Grow Your Own Crochet Business

Join the Crochetpreneur Business Academy

If you’re one of those go-getter crocheters who knows that you want to be more than a hobby seller, I’d love to invite you to join us in the Crochetpreneur Business Academy. While the class isn’t enrolling right now, doors open toward the end of summer. You can be sure to get in on the action by signing up for the waitlist.

Start a Blog

Are you ready to grow your income with a maker blog of your own? Check out my START A PROFITABLE BLOG guide and get yours up and running today!

Blogging Resources

Find all my favorite blogging tools on my Resources page.

If you want to learn more about why starting a blog is a great choice for makers, how they can use it to build a variety of income streams, how to start gathering emails and driving traffic to the blog, check out my introductory mini-course, Blogging for Makers 101.

Already have a blog, but looking to increase your income, check out these free resource from Elite Blog Academy,

Other Resources for Crochet Business Growers

That’s OK! There are plenty of other ways to make money with your crochet skills. Here are some articles you might enjoy:

The Ultimate List of 20+ Ways to Make Money Crocheting

An Impulsive’s Guide to Starting a Crochet Business Right Now!

Other ideas? Take my free ROCK YOUR CRAFT FAIR Training Series or, for aspiring designers, sign up for the GET IT DONE Concept-to-Launch Crochet Pattern Writing Email Challenge! 

I can’t wait to help you build and grow your business into the business of your dreams!


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  1. Thank you for your transparency. This is inspirational. My monthly goal is about a fifth of what you made. If this is a slow month, them I’m excited to see how a busy month can turn out.

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