Today, we’re diving into a question posed by Melanie from TimmelCrochet. She’s torn between her love for creating Chihuahua hats and dog accessories and her passion for designing patterns unrelated to dogs. Melanie wonders if she can seamlessly combine the two niches or if she should consider running two separate businesses. I’ll offer some specific suggestions for Melanie later on. But first, let’s explore a broader question: what are target customers and why should you focus on one target market?

I currently have two niches or two ideal customers. Is there a way to combine the two niches? Or should I have two different businesses?

– Melanie, TimmelCrochet
What are target customers and why should you define yours?

Defining Your Target Market

So why is identifying your target market crucial for your handmade business? I often emphasize the importance of a clear target audience for effective messaging. When your potential customers encounter your business, they should feel a connection, understanding, and a sense that your products cater specifically to their needs. This clarity not only aids in marketing but also helps focus your energies when creating content and new products.

How I Redefined My Target Customer

Reflecting on my own journey as a crochet business owner, I share a similar experience with Melanie. Early on, I managed several distinct Etsy shops: art, jewelry, and of course crochet products and patterns. Each of these catered to a separate customer base. However, this approach presented challenges, especially in terms of marketing and messaging.

I eventually streamlined my focus, choosing to speak directly to crochet sellers while allowing other individuals to engage with my patterns and products. This strategic separation facilitated clearer communication and better customer engagement.

Challenges of Managing Two Niches

Melanie’s dilemma resonates with many entrepreneurs, including myself. Managing two different target customers under one business name can be challenging. It requires considerable effort to create content that resonates with both audiences simultaneously. Additionally, potential confusion may arise among customers when the messaging lacks specificity, and confusion is the enemy of profits.

What are target customers and why should you define yours for your crochet business?

Pam’s Recommendation: Separate or Consolidate?

Considering the challenges, my suggestion for Melanie—and any crochet CEO facing a similar decision—is to weigh the benefits of separating the two niches into distinct businesses. While this may not be necessary for everyone, it often makes it easier to tailor messaging, streamline marketing efforts, and avoid confusion among your audience.

Strategic Approaches for Success

For those determined to keep everything under one roof, strategic planning is crucial. Segmenting your newsletter, creating separate social media accounts for each audience, and carefully diversifying posts and content can help maintain clarity. However, it’s essential to recognize the potential for increased workload and the likelihood that one aspect of the business may take precedence.

Get Your Free Handmade Business Binder!

Before we wrap up, don’t forget to grab your printable handmade business binder! This helpful binder will help you organize all your important business documents in one, safe place. The printable binder includes pages for:

  • your business details
  • your target customer avatar
  • your media kit
  • your brand kit
  • important contacts and resources
  • password hints and more!

But it’s only available as a gift to Crochetpreneur subscribers. So sign up today and get access to this and other valuable crochet business resources. 

Wrapping Up

As the CEO of your crochet business, the decisions you make regarding your target market and niches play a pivotal role in your success. Whether you choose to separate your businesses or strategically manage both under one umbrella, ensure that your messaging remains clear, focused, and tailored to the specific needs of your audience. Remember, clarity in messaging leads to profitability!

I hope this insight proves valuable as you navigate the intricate world of crochet business. Find me on social media using the buttons below. And make sure to subscribe to the Crochet Business Chat Podcast on your favorite platform to stay in the loop.

Further Listening and Reading

For more guidance on finding your niche and targeting your audience, check out theses resources:

Can I be featured on the podcast?

Want to ask a question and have the opportunity to get your business featured with a link to your website? You can ask your questions here.

Have expertise that you think would be helpful to share with Dear Crochetpreneur listeners? Let me know all about you here.

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