I was checking in on my Facebook group this afternoon and was asked the question: How do I sell my crochet patterns? I have an online shop, but I don’t even know how to list patterns on Etsy. Can you help?

I figured that the writer probably isn’t the only person wondering how to list a digital item for sale on Etsy. Honestly, it’s not that hard and not all that different from listing a physical item.

Either way, I thought a step-by-step guide to listing and marketing your pattern (with a little help from my Pattern Launch Plan, which you can request, below) might be just the thing to help. So, here it is:

How to List Patterns on Etsy

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of your screen, click on “Shop Manager.”
  2. There will be a graphic menu along the left side of the screen. Click on “Listings.” The icon looks like this: Etsy Listings Icon
  3. In the upper right corner, click the black button that says, “Add a Listing.”
  4. Add up to 10 photos of the product made with your crochet pattern by clicking “Add a Photo” and navigating to your computer’s folder where you’ve stored the images. You can batch upload the photos and arrange then once they have loaded.
  5. Edit the thumbnail photo to get it center the way you’d like.
  6. Add a keyword-rich title. Be sure to include “crochet pattern” in the title.
  7. Select the appropriate drop-down options for “About this Listing.” Be sure to select “a supply or tool to make things” under the “What is it?” option.
  8. Type “crochet pattern” into the Categories field and you will be given some options to select from. I always choose: Craft Supplies & Tools > Patterns & How To > Patterns & Blueprints
  9. SelecHelpt the appropriate Craft type. You can select up to 5. I usually only select “crochet.”
  10. Select the appropriate Occasion and Holiday types where appropriate.
  11. Select the radio button for Automatic or Manual renewal based on your preference.
  12. Select the “Digital” option under Type.
  13. Add a keyword-rich description, being sure to mention that it is a digital download. Add any other details that customers would need to make the decision whether or not to purchase your pattern.
  14. Unclick the Custom Orders checkbox.
  15. Under Section, select from the drop-down menu your shop section for crochet patterns. If you don’t have a section, add one now.
  16. Use all 13 tags to describe your pattern and the finished product. Be sure to use some long-tail keywords that you, also, used in the title.
  17. Under Materials, simply add PDF Downloadable Crochet Pattern.
  18. Add the price you’ll be charging for the pattern.
  19. Depending on your location, select the sales tax box as required.
  20. Select a quantity. I usually select 999 because that’s the highest you can select and I don’t want my pattern to show that it’s out of stock. I check on this periodically and add to the quantity as needed.
  21. Skip the SKU unless you use this option in your bookkeeping practices.
  22. Click on the +Upload File button to navigate to your computer’s folder. Click on the PDF of your pattern and it will be loaded into the listing.
  23. Now go all the way to the bottom right-hand corner of your screen and click on the black button that says PUBLISH.
  24. You will be instructed to click the button acknowledging that you will have to pay $.20 to list your pattern. Click that button and your pattern will post.

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