So, I have a secret and I’m finally going to let it out of the bag 🙂 If you’ve been a crochet blogger for any length of time, you know what a pain in *$@@ it is to create a crochet pattern roundup. I mean, I love them, but they take forever…and getting permission from 5, 10, 15 other bloggers? It can feel like an overwhelming task, but don’t worry! I have a secret trick that is going to help you create a quick and easy crochet pattern roundup.
And, yes, all your bases will be covered with copyright permissions and high-quality designs without having to search for hours.

Don’t believe me? Well, check this out…my secret is called Custom Search Engine and it’s brought to you by our good friends at Google.
By creating a custom search engine (I’ll show you how, below), you’ll be able to predetermine the designers you trust to create quality patterns and you’ll already have their permission to use an image with a link back to their site. It’s a real time saver!
Google’s Custom Search Engine allows you to tell Google exactly what sites to search for your roundup patterns. Just put in your search and it will only return matches from the sites you’ve chosen. Easy, peasy. Just go to the site, grab your photo and link, and you’re in business.
How to Prepare for your Custom Search Engine Setup
Before you create your custom search engine, you’ll need to do a little footwork. Trust me, though, a little time now will save you a whole lot of time in the future.
What I did was create a post in several of my Facebook groups that went like this:
“Hey there, can I share your crochet pattern in a future roundup? All I need is permission to use an image from your site for the blog post and Pinterest collage. I will include a link back to your page and let you know when the post is live. Then, when it’s time for me to create a roundup, I’ll be sure to check your site! Are you in? Add your URL below.”
I gathered up the URLs of several of my favorite crochet blogs and put them in a spreadsheet along with a link to the FB post where they gave consent. Then, I was ready to create my Custom Search Engine.
How to Create a Custom Search Engine
To create your own custom search engine. Go to Click on “Create a custom search engine.”

Add the names of the sites you’d like to search to create your crochet pattern roundup in the “Sites to search” field. Add a name for your search engine and click “Create.”

Once you’ve successfully created your custom search engine, select the option to “View it on the Web” by clicking the button that says “Public URL.”

You will be brought to this screen – humble as it is, it is your very own custom search screen. You’re ready to search! Just type in your search term and you’re ready to create a quick and easy crochet pattern roundup!

Here is an example of when I search “hat” in my own custom search engine. Granted, I only added one site, so it’s only showing me options from my own page. Let’s take a look at how we would add an additional site to our search engine.

How to Add Sites to a Custom Search Engine
Once again, go to your Google Search Engine homepage. Click on the name of the search engine you’d like to search.

Scroll to the middle of the screen until you find the section called, “Sites to search.” From there, click on “Add.”

Enter the name of the additional site you’d like to search. Be sure the button is highlighted for “Include all pages whose address contains this URL” and click “Save.”

Then, scroll down and be sure to click on “Update.”
Use Your Custom Search Engine to Create a Quick and Easy Crochet Pattern Roundup
Now, any time you’d like to create a roundup, simply go to your Custom Search Engine homepage at Click on the link in the “Public URL” column next to the name of the search engine you’d like to use.

Enter your search term into the query box and click the magnifying glass.

And you’re ready to start creating your crochet pattern roundup without having to worry about requesting permission to use images. All you bases are covered!

Just a little tip: If you don’t want to have to go to type in the URL for the Custom Search Engine homepage every time, add it to your Bookmarks bar on your computer and you’ll only need to click there to begin creating a crochet pattern roundup the easy way!
So, tell me. Was this new to you? Will you be creating a custom search engine to help with your roundups? Be sure to add Crochetpreneur to your search engine and let me know, in the comments below, if you’d like to be added to mine.
Want to make it SUPER easy for other bloggers to share your patterns in their own roundups? Check out the tips in this post:
A Simple Tip to Help Bloggers Share Your Knit and Crochet Patterns
This is an amazing tool for my readers! Thanks Pam <3
I’m putting it on my website.
Hi Pam!
Already done. Love it. I also added both of your sites. You can add mine to yours too. Thanks for this amazing tool.