Pinterest graphic for Build Your Own Crochet Business. Start by Setting your goals. With a photo of a pair of hands wearing crocheted fingerless gloves

“A dream requires a companion: commitment.” ~ John Maxwell

No doubt, you’re visiting Crochetpreneur because you want to turn your hobby into a business. Or maybe you want to grow your existing business into a more successful and rewarding one. Basically, you want to turn yarn into money. Right?

Well, the first step in that journey is a commitment to the process. Without commitment, your dreams will fall flat. It is only with focused attention that your desires will come to fruition.

But how do we focus our attention? Well, we focus our attention on setting business goals. I know, boring, right?! Ugh … but stick with me and we’ll get through it together.

If you know my story, you know that my original goal for my crochet business was to crush the competition (ugh, so embarrassing!).

Well, that goal morphed into something a bit healthier and more life-giving fairly quickly. Within a year, I aimed to grow a business that helped to support my family, and finally, after meeting that goal, I set out to help others to become successful as well.

Your goals, also, may grow and change over time. That’s okay. Simply identify, for today, what your goal is for the next year for your business.

Don’t be afraid to dream big!

Setting Business Goals

Give yourself some quiet time to dream of what you’d like your business to look like one year from today. Fill out the sheet and share your goal with me in the comments or send an email to me at [email protected].

Photo of the back of a woman with her arms spread enjoying the sun

The reason I want you to “shout it from the rooftops” is that there is power in owning your intentions and there is power in words, and finally, there is power in the support of the community.

By commenting below and joining our roll call of sorts, you are making a commitment and declaring your intention to be successful and welcoming our supportive community into the process.

I know, I know. It can be scary and feel very vulnerable to share your heart. But you deserve success and this is the first step. Remember, these are YOUR goals.

We each define success differently and we each have different life circumstances. There is no judgment here and there are no “wrong” dreams.

Takeaways from this post:

  • Starting a business takes commitment and focused attention.
  • Your goals may change over time, but you must start somewhere.
  • Print the form and fill out your goals and then share them.
  • You are brave. You are a talented artisan. You can take this first step–dream big!

I believe in you and I am so looking forward to supporting you as you grow your dreams and bring them to life!

Until then, stay cozy and keep on yarning, Pam

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  1. My blog goals for 2020 are to post consistently, learn to monetize, and grow my audience. My craft/crochet goals are to learn new skills and learn to design/write patterns. Whew! Overall, I want to make enough money to pay for a family trip for my youngest daughter’s high school graduation in June, 2021.

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