Thank you so much for your interest in being an expert contributor to the Crochetpreneur Business Academy! I’m so glad you’ve found us and I can’t wait to learn more about you and what you’d like to share with our members.

If you’re ready to apply to be an expert contributor, please fill out our information form, and I’ll connect with you soon. Feel free to send me a quick e-mail at [email protected] after you’ve filled out the form, just to be sure I know it’s waiting for me in Google Docs.

If you’ve got questions, check out these FAQs. If you don’t find your answer here, please send me an email and I’d be happy to chat.


What are the benefits of my contributing to CBA?

I’m so glad you asked! It’s so important to me that our collaboration be mutually beneficial. I’m so grateful that you’re considering the opportunity to share with academy members. So, aside from the natural benefits of growing your reach through connection with our members, in return for your time and expertise, I offer a flat rate of $100/hour to our expert guests.

Additionally, I’d like to provide you with one or more of the following opportunities for collaboration (you’ll get to select your preferred options when you apply):

  • A spotlight of you and your brand on my Facebook page during the week of your contribution. This includes an introduction post and daily shares of your designs and/or blog posts for 5 consecutive days.
  • A social media shout-out, including a graphic with your top 3 tips, shared on all Crochetpreneur social media channels including a link back to your account and/or website.
  • A celebration of your visit to the academy in my weekly newsletter of (13,000 subscribers and growing) with a link to your website and/or opt-in.
  • My guest post or guest design for your blog.

Do you offer affiliate opportunities?

Yes! All experts will be given the opportunity to become a CBA affiliate with special opportunities for experts who sign on for additional visits to the group.

How do experts share with the Crochetpreneur Business Academy members? 

It’s so important to me that you feel comfortable and excited about your contribution. So, I’d love for you to choose the format that best fits with your brand, your content, and your preferences. Some options might be Group Q&A via Zoom Video Conference, One-on-One Interview, Self-recorded content (with or without slide presentation), or as written content.

Who is Pam and what is the Crochetpreneur Business Academy all about?

Hi! I’m Pam Grice, and I’m a psychotherapist and crochet designer, seller, and blogger. I’ve been crocheting for over 40 years and began selling my products in December of 2013 through my business, Made with a Twist. Since then, I have had over 18,000 sales (on Etsy alone), been named the Top Trending Seller by Marketplace Pulse Magazine, and been highlighted as one of three “Bloggers Who are Rocking It!” at the Activate LIVE 2017 blogging conference hosted by Ruth Soukup Omnimedia.

Since growing my crochet business from less than $100 in sales at my first craft show to well over $4,000 at my last and replacing the income from my private counseling practice with my crochet income, I started the Crochetpreneur blog and then the Crochetpreneur Business Academy as a place to share the hard lessons learned along the way as well as a to encourage those who seek to turn their crochet hobby into a profitable business.

Inside the academy, I share my expertise as a counselor to help up-and-coming entrepreneurs to break through mindset traps that are keeping them stuck and small. Then, as an active and thriving seller (both online and in person), designer, and blogger, I help members discover the best route, best practices, and best strategies for building the business that perfectly fits their personality and dreams.

The best part, though, is the growing Crochetpreneur community. The CBA community connects these crochet business owners to one another – encouraging collaboration over competition, supporting creativity and personal growth, and lifting one another up through this process. The journey of the handmade business owner can be extremely isolating, especially when just beginning the process…witnessing the incredible maker community on social media, but not feeling a part of it. The Crochetpreneur community seeks inclusivity where people have felt excluded and hopes to make each member feel seen, feel encouraged, and feel like an integral part of something bigger.

And, while I’m happy to share what I know and share from my experiences, no one person can be an expert at all aspects of the business (like, seriously, I need to work on my photography!). So, I’ve opened up our safe space to you…our expert contributors. I want you to know that your voice, your wisdom, and your experiences are welcome here and we’d love to hear from you. I’m so happy to know you’re considering becoming a part of what we’re creating inside the CBA. Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions not answered below.

Ready to apply? Access the Expert Contributor Information form here.