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[00:00:00] I’m Christine from Ambassador Crochet and I design timeless and classy crochet patterns that will never go out of style.

I had seen the Crochetpreneur Business Academy pop up in my Facebook feed a few times and I had just not made the decision. And the next time she had opened the doors, the next time Pam opened the doors, I decided that I was going to give it a try. I was no longer in the coaching group that I had been in previously.

And so it was a good opportunity.

My pain points were that I had started a business based on a hobby. And so as my hobby progressed into a business that was just, part-time when I could a little bit of extra income to help pay for my daughter’s dance classes. And as it [00:01:00] progressed into a bigger business, I had realized that I had done a lot of things wrong or that I had just skipped over a lot of basic business building tasks that I didn’t know any better.

So that was the point where CBA was able to help me get organized and. Do things right.

I think for me the money,  was the biggest hesitation. So I hesitated joining CBA and that was the biggest determining factor for me. But I decided that to grow my business and to make money, I had to spend some money.

It became obvious to me pretty quickly that CBA was exactly what I needed. I saw my sales increase and I knew that the accountability of having a group [00:02:00] that would check on me, or I could ask questions in and be held accountable for the progress I wanted to make. That became something that was invaluable to me.

And it was very obvious to me within the first few months that it was worth joining just for that alone.

I had been in business for about 12 years as a crochet designer. When I found CBA and joined, I had done it as a hobby. I had started designing and just opened an Etsy shop, not knowing any better. And then when Ravelry came along, they threw my patterns up on Ravelry. And I just didn’t know what I was doing from a lack of knowledge perspective.

There wasn’t a lot of internet information out there at the time. And then when it became available, I was just in a groove and I just kept going without really going back to reevaluate if I had missed anything, [00:03:00] if I had done anything wrong that I could’ve done better. So when I joined CBA the success method for me, it took me, I went back to the beginning and I started over and I figured out what my

customer really wanted. And I went through all of the things that I had not done or not done correctly. And I just skimmed over them when I had done it years previously. And I came from the perspective of really trying to home in on my business and make it even better so that I could grow it. And the success method just for me, was exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level.

I just like to say that CBA has been for me, exactly what I needed. I have built friendships. I have built business relationships. I have accountability partners, and it’s [00:04:00] been amazing to see that I could still grow my business, even with everything else going on in life.

[00:00:00] Amber  from Bliss This and I designed crochet patterns for trendy crocheters and product sellers.

When I started my crochet business, I did not know how to do any of the business aspects of the job. I just knew how to crochet and how to write.

I was looking to a lot of other people for advice that either they  didn’t know what advice to give or they weren’t giving me advice that was helpful. I was getting a lot of conflicting information and I just really wanted to be successful. And I didn’t know how to get there.

My main doubt and concern was [00:01:00] money. I knew I needed to invest in myself and my business to be successful, but I’m a cheapskate and I was really worried about more money flowing out than I would be able to bring in

Within two months, I could see the benefits of CBA in… not only in my business, but also in my mindset.

I was not willing to go on camera or do videos or lives at all before I joined CBA and through encouragement and practice, I learned that’s really doable and such an important part of connecting to my audience. I also got sales. [00:02:00] Sales is a huge win. And I think my biggest win since joining CBA is starting a blog and having the confidence to do that with the support of Pam and the

other Crochetpreneur  students. I was able to do something that I thought was impossible and too hard for me to do, but it wasn’t.

If you’re thinking about it, make sure that you’re  serious about your business and wanting to succeed. The methods and the strategies that we learn in CBA work. But you have to be committed. If you’re committed to your success, join.

Thanks to CBA, I went from a crochet pattern [00:03:00] hobbyist to a successful crochet pattern writing business.

[00:00:00] Hi, I’m Courtney of Creations by Courtney and joining Crochetpreneur  Business Academy was one of the best things I ever did. Before joining this, I really had no idea what I was doing. I was just going through the free resources, trying to put stuff together here in there, which was really tough because I also work full time.

And that’s, what’s so great about her modules. It really takes you from who you are, your values for your business, finding your target  audience and just really taking on that CEO mindset. It has been amazing to connect with the other members that have truly become friends, where we chat outside of the group and encourage each other and support each other, not just in our businesses, but also in our personal lives.

I’ve seen great growth with my Facebook group. I have a better plan for connecting with my audience, even emailing weekly. Oh my gosh, I never thought I would actually do that, but I actually know what it’s you [00:01:00] do now. And that’s all thanks to Pam and what she offers in the group  and she’s so easy to get in touch with and talk to, and truly is encouraging and will help us understand ourselves in a way that I just haven’t seen in the other options out there.

So whether you’re a designer or maker, I hope to see you in Crochetpreneur  Business Academy, where we have fun growing  our businesses and surpassing our goals.

[00:00:00] Hi, I’m Erin from Juniper and Oaks, and I believe your home should make you feel cozy and at ease. So I create modern cozy home decor crochet patterns that bring comfort and invite conversation.

Before joining CBA I was just a crochet hobbyist. I had no direction on how to sell my handmade goods and I had a million ideas for crochet patterns, but I was just unsure on how to even write them down, let alone, publish them and get them out there for the world to see. I was looking for direction. I wanted to turn my yarn into money, but just needed help, weeding through the

so many ideas in my head and figure out how do I get there? And what are exactly are my goals?

As a crochet hobbyist with too many ideas in my head [00:01:00] and no clear direction I was aimless, I was stretched thin and I was unsure of the next step to take, to become successful. So I took steps in too many different directions and I wasn’t making any progress towards accomplishing my goals. It was frustrating and I just felt like it wasn’t worth my time

I was hesitant to take the step to enroll in CBA. I doubted if I had it in me to be successful. First of all, did I have enough time? I already wear so many hats. I’m a mother of two, almost three. I am a wife, I’m a nurse and so much more. But I also wanted to crochet myself a new hat and become a Crochetpreneur.  I was also hesitant even spend money on CBA when I wasn’t really making any money to begin with what I get a return on my event.

I realized that CBA was working for me [00:02:00] when I had a clear vision of what I wanted to accomplish and how I would get there. When I looked around and I saw this community of other crochetpreneurs  around me, encouraging me, keeping me focused and collaborating with me as we accomplished our goal.

Some big wins that I’ve had since joining CBA are participating in my first craft fair, having some successful blog hops where people are actually downloading and purchasing my patterns. I’ve had some brand partnerships with yarn companies, such as Lion Brand, We Crochet, Darn Good  yarn, signed a couple of contracts with Happily Hooked magazine and

I’ve gotten to the top 10 of Ravelry’s ‘hot right now’ crochet patterns. And that was just, I’m just floored by that.

So, if you were thinking about joining CBA, I would say yes. Do it, sign up [00:03:00] for it. You’ll be glad that you did. .


[00:00:00] Hi, my name’s Kati Brown. I run Hooked by Kati, a blog for amigarumi lovers, people who want well-written fun to put together patterns from beginners to advanced. And I am a proud CBA student.

Before I started CBA, I was trying to do all the things I was trying to do garments and craft fairs and write patterns and sell things on Etsy  and my head would just couldn’t wrap around all of it. And when I found CBA, I was taught how to niche down and really focus on what I love to do rather than just what would sell and  what else I could pile onto my plate. Narrowing down

my business was the best thing I ever did, and I would never have done it had I not come to CBA.

My [00:01:00] business was growing and I was doing well, but I couldn’t keep up. And the growth was making me frantic and not enjoy my business anymore. I reached a point where I remember throwing yarn across the room and being like, I don’t know that I want to do this anymore. And I knew I needed to reach out and get some help.

And the support and the lessons I’ve learned at CBA have really pushed me in a direction that I can’t have gotten on my own.

Like a lot of new crochet business owners, I was afraid to put any money into my business. I was afraid that if I spent money on it, it would just fly out the window and be gone forever. And especially as a new designer, I was only making $5 here and there. And it was really scary, but what ended up happening was, as soon as I started to put money into my business, I started to get money back way more than I was making before.

And as soon as I started to put the energy into my business, it started to grow in a way I didn’t [00:02:00] see. I knew in my gut, I wanted to be a crochet designer, but I didn’t know how to get there. I couldn’t see the path through the weeds. Pam is an excellent weed whacker.

If you’re ready to put the time and effort into your business, and you’re ready to really make this your business. This is where you belong. You’re in the right place. You can get little bits here and here, or you can come to CBA and just get all of it altogether in a nice channeled path that will lead you in the right direction.

I wouldn’t be here in this very room, if it wasn’t for CBA. I wouldn’t have my studio. I wouldn’t have my business and I wouldn’t be doing any of them if it wasn’t for CBA. I would still be signing up for teeny tiny crafters that I didn’t belong at. And I would still be designing things that I wasn’t good at designing and CBA has [00:03:00] taught me what I am

supposed to do in order to be the best me I can be.

[00:00:00] Hi, I’m Malena from Straight hooked dot com. I design fashionable accessories for the modern trendsetter. And my goal is to write patterns that are easy to follow, but look extremely complicated and garner a ton of compliments when finished.

I had actually just gotten started with my business when the Crochetpreneur Business Academy launched. And I was lucky enough to be one of the beta members that had been there since the CBA started. And it really has helped me to just,  get my business started from scratch, being on the right track. And it was really great to be able to avoid a lot of the common mistakes that people make when they go in and have no clue what they’re doing.

I was really lucky that right when I was starting my business [00:01:00] Pam started the CBA and I fortunately was able to get in right at the ground floor. So I didn’t have too much time when my business started, where it was just floundering.

Really, after about the first year of my business, once I had really started focusing on growing my brand and building content within my blog and making sure that I was following the advice that Pam lays out. I really noticed that my business was doing much better than I had expected it to do after the first year.

There’s really no downside to joining the CBA. Pam has put together an amazing outline of how you should get your business going. No matter if you have [00:02:00] already had a business or if you’re completely starting from scratch. She’s got the whole roadmap already laid out. You can follow all the modules.

There’s new things being added all the time. There are coaching sessions available every month. There is another Q and A with a different expert who can share some extra tips and tricks. And also the relationships and the friendships that you build through being a part of CBA is – I really can’t say enough about how wonderful that has been.

Joining CBA was the best decision that I could have possibly made –  joining the CBA. If it hadn’t been available to me right when I started, I would probably have given up. It’s really been amazing. And I just can’t, I can’t thank her enough. Join the CBA do it.